Talking Back
Is your district stuck in a one-way conversation? Learn how a two-way communication strategy builds stronger family engagement.

communication strategy
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a one-sided conversation? It’s a familiar experience to most of us—you meet an old coworker for coffee, and they spend the entire time talking about themselves. Meanwhile, you barely get a word in. These conversations don’t feel great. More often than not, they make us feel that the other person isn’t interested in our thoughts; we might even assume that they don’t really care about us.
Whether you’re a school leader or a comms professional, we know you’re interested in what your school community thinks. You certainly care about them. So why is school communication so one-sided most of the time?
In our recent survey “What Parents Want," more than half of parents said they receive communication from their child’s school district multiple times a week or even daily—and that’s not counting messages that come directly from their child’s teacher. But these communications are often one-way; they’re meant to provide information, not start a conversation. How often are families invited to initiate a dialogue, ask questions or provide feedback? For a lot of schools, it’s once or twice a year at parent-teacher conferences—but not much more.
We know that strong family engagement can help districts solve a variety of challenges, from reducing chronic absenteeism to improving literacy and more. But to be really engaged in their child’s education, parents don’t just need to be informed. They need to actively participate. So why not invite them to engage in an ongoing conversation? Here, we’ll show you how.
One-Way Communication
When we talk about one-way communication, we're referring to any direct communication in which parents receive information but do not have an opportunity to respond. One-way communication happens at the district, school and classroom levels and can take many forms—from mass SMS text messages to email newsletters to automated voice calls.
One-way communication is probably an integral part of your communication strategy, and it should be. It works great when you're trying to inform a large group all at once, whether it's one class or an entire campus. However, if your district only practices one-way communication, you're missing a crucial chance to collaborate with families and build stronger relationships.
Two-Way Communication
Two-way communication, on the other hand, creates an opportunity for dialogue. It means fostering strong school-family relationships where everyone has the chance to speak, listen and share ideas, with the ultimate goal of creating a positive learning environment for students at school and at home.
But who in your district is best positioned to take on two-way communication? As we found in our recent study "What Parents Want,'' parents trust their child's teachers to communicate valuable information—more than they trust superintendents, principals or comms professionals. Whether it takes place through your district app, over Zoom or in-person, two-way communication is often most effective when it takes place at the classroom level between families and teachers.
Make your communication inclusive.
To build an effective and equitable two-way strategy, you need to ensure that your communication methods are inclusive of the needs of all families. We’ll consider two important factors here: location and language.

First, let’s talk about where your two-way communication is taking place. Right now, your teachers’ back-and-forth conversations with families may be happening primarily in person at dedicated events like parent-teacher conferences. Whether or not educators can reliably reach most of their parents this way largely depends on grade level. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 88% of K-2 parents attend conferences, but that figure drops to just 51% for parents of high school students.
But families don’t just skip parent-teacher conferences due to lack of interest. For many, more insidious barriers get in the way. That same NCES report indicated that parents who are the only guardian in their household are less likely to attend conferences than those with two parents or guardians. Families living below the poverty threshold were also less likely to attend than those not living in poverty. This data suggests a multitude of challenges: lack of childcare, lack of reliable transportation, inflexible work schedules and more. These same factors make it difficult for parents to meet with their child’s teacher after school, removing another potential opportunity for in-person communication.
Many schools have experimented with implementing different schedules, offering childcare during conferences or a whole host of other strategies, but the fact remains that connecting in person is logistically difficult. In-person conversation is a powerful way to communicate, one that should remain part of your district’s overall strategy—but you can’t rely on it as your only avenue for two-way communication.
Instead, think about communication that meets your families where they are—on their phones. According to 2024 data from Pew Research Center, 91% of U.S. adults now own smartphones, and that majority persists across demographic groups. People in rural areas are only slightly less likely to own smartphones than their peers in urban and suburban areas. Adults earning less than $30,000 a year are also a bit less likely than their wealthier counterparts to have smartphones, but 84% still do own them.
It stands to reason that smartphones provide a more reliable—and more inclusive—avenue for everyday communication than logistically difficult in-person meetings. Consider investing in two-way communication systems that revolve around smartphones—for example, a messaging platform that integrates with your district’s mobile app. After all, if the vast majority of your families have smartphones, why wouldn’t you make phones a focus of your two-way communication strategy?
When thinking about two-way communication methods, it’s also key to consider what languages your families speak. According to 2023 data from the U.S. Census Bureau, about 22% of school-age children speak a language other than English at home—indicating that their parents may not speak English as their primary language. Depending on your district’s demographics, failing to accommodate non-English speakers could be alienating a significant segment of your families.
Inclusive two-way communication means making sure everyone can participate in the conversation, no matter what language they speak. For conversations that take place in person or on Zoom, be sure to have a formal interpreter available to accommodate non-English speakers. For digital communication, invest in a platform that provides automatic translation so that everyone can communicate in real time.

Make your communication streamlined.
Imagine you’re the parent of a high schooler, trying to stay in touch with six or seven different teachers. Each of those teachers uses a different platform to communicate with families—whether it’s email, text or one of dozens of parent-teacher communication apps. To keep track of your child’s progress, you have to download (and check) multiple apps—or worse, sort through hundreds of emails and text messages to find the ones related to school. And that’s just one child at one campus—what if you have two or three, all at different schools? With so many communication channels to keep up with, it’s no surprise that parents might lose track of even the most important conversations.
You might assume that the solution to this problem is less communication—but that’s not actually the case. In fact, our “What Parents Want” survey found that families who receive more frequent school communication are actually like to be more satisfied with their districts. So you don’t need to communicate less—you just need to communicate through fewer channels, especially when it comes to two-way.
We recommend keeping all two-way communication in your district to a single platform. If all your teachers communicate through the same platform, it will be that much easier for families to stay informed and engaged with their child’s learning. What’s more, in states like Oklahoma, new laws are requiring school personnel to communicate with students only through designated, school-approved platforms that automatically include parents in the conversation. It makes particular sense in these cases to choose a single channel for all communication with students and their families.
Try to avoid channels that families are already using for purposes other than school, like text or email. Instead, establish a channel just for your district’s communication, like a dedicated parent-teacher communication app. This way, parents don’t have to sift through hundreds of corporate marketing emails or texts from friends and family to find conversations with their child’s teachers.
Make your communication positive.
When your teachers initiate conversations with families, what’s typically the reason for that communication? Traditionally, it’s because something is wrong: A student’s grades are slipping or they’re misbehaving in class. Those conversations are often necessary, and we’re not suggesting that they shouldn’t happen. But what if teachers communicated just as often about what a student is doing right?
Our research found that the more parents perceive school communications to be positive, the more likely they are to be highly satisfied with their schools and—perhaps more importantly—to trust their schools. This isn’t exactly surprising; after all, everyone likes to hear good news more than bad news, right? But there’s also something more going on here—something deeper.
The truth is that most parents will interpret comments about their child, whether positive or negative, as comments on their parenting—even if that isn’t the teacher’s intention. Negative feedback can feel like an accusation of bad parenting, but positive feedback can feel like validation that they’re doing a good job. Imagine interacting with someone who only ever told you what you were doing wrong, and never acknowledged or appreciated what you did right. Would you look forward to talking to that person? Probably not.
The “two-way” in two-way communication is also crucial here. Receiving negative updates about your child is discouraging enough, but feeling like you have no ground to respond or ask questions is even worse. Balancing necessary negative conversations with positive ones not only keeps families satisfied with the district—it also builds the kind of positive relationships that encourage families to communicate back. That way, when teachers do need to address falling grades or misbehavior, parents are more likely to engage in that conversation with trust.
At the end of the day, school communication is about more than just sharing announcements; it’s a conversation between your district and its families. When your communication strategy goes both ways, parents can truly collaborate with teachers to provide the support students need—both in the classroom and at home.